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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a member?

First, send us a message!  Then come meet us.  Membership means being a part of a wonderful group of people who love to sail.  We are friendly and inviting so get to know us and decide if this is something you want to be apart of.  

Our contact form is found on the bottom of our home page.  Be sure to check the box "Interested in membership". Our membership chair will contact you to tell you about our club.

What is involved in membership?

VISA is a community of friends who have shared interests in sailing, swimming, camping, and socializing. Membership at VISA provides you with access to our beautiful campus, including the clubhouse and beach. Boat slips, dry sail slots, and camping sites are also available for members for an additional fee (there may be a waiting list).


We are very proud of our active youth sailing program, which is run by our junior board. Our youth run a junior sail camp, participate in racing events, and generally just have a good time on the water!


We are a self-managed organization. VISA members are responsible for maintaining our facilities, running our events, managing our finances – we don’t have a paid staff! We ask that each member volunteer a minimum of 10 hours a year to ensuring that our club is successful. Volunteer hours could include raking leaves, cleaning the kitchen, serving on the board, teaching sailing classes, managing the website – whatever fits your interests and abilities the best.

Can non-members participate in the races?

We are working on a way to have non-members take part in our racing series.  More information is available by contacting us using the form on our home page.  

Do you offer Sailing instructions?

We offer sailing classes to members and other interested people on an occasional basis. In our classes, we cover the many points of sailing and offer on the water practice in our club boats. Among other offerings, we usually offer a camp for women and then another camp for men at least once a year. These events are open to the public. Please check our Racing & Events page to see if there are classes coming soon!

Do you have slips available?

Our boat slips are available to members only. There is currently a waiting list for boat slips. The Slips and Mooring Chair can answer questions about slip availability.  Please fill out the contact form on our home page.

If I purchase a boat from a member and then join, does the boat slip transfer?

In simple terms, no. We have a waiting list for our boats. Please contact out Slip and Mooring Chair for more information.  

Do you rent sailboats?

We do not rent sailboats.  We are a members only club and not a marina.

How much does membership cost

Fees for membership, boat slips, dry sail slots, and camping sites are set each year by the Board of Directors. For 2024, the fee for regular membership is $1000. Regular membership includes use of club facilities and participation in club activities. There are additional fees for boat slips, dry sail slots, and camping sites.

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